Usama Insights

Written by H.M. Usama Khan Last updated: 29 Jan, 2024

Table of Contents

  1. Why Now
  2. Need of Now
  3. Currently doing

Why Now 乁(≋o≋)ㄏ

I don't know where I first came across "now" but what I remember is that it was on some personal website. Just like "about" tells us about the person behind the website or digital garden, "now" tells us about what that person is currently doing.

So, Why not use social media for this? For this my answer is not everyone uses social media even if they used I will be mostly inactive there.

Need of Now

Some people want to contact me or want to know more about a person's current status. It sometimes saves me time and other hassle if I am on a long break or busy on some project then I can inform others indirectly about my status to others. They will also get in the loop.

Currently doing

Now, I have to run 。。。 (ノ><)ノ

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