Usama Insights


I'm H.M. Usama Khan (he/him), a Pakistan digital marketer working in Chichawatni, Punjab.

I recently graduated from the National Defence University of Pakistan. I am specialized in Leadership & Management Studies with a major in digital marketing.

I am currently working as assistant school administrator in Dawn High School.

I used to work as a graphic designer, blogger and technical recruiter. Unfortunately, most of those works got lost in time. _____________________________________________________________________

I am Hafiz Muhammad Usama Khan from a lovable city named Chichawatni in Pakistan.

From childhood, I was interested in the inner working of things & new adventures. I broke almost everything I got my hands on. I broke my toys and checked how they were moving, & tried to understand the principle with my wild imagination & immature thinking.

I tried to recreate those principles in different things. One of example is using the motor from a broken remote car to make a mini electric generator that will light a small led bulb.

After finishing my studies at the local college. I pursued my higher education in the capital city of Pakistan. I selected my bachelor's degree in Leadership & Management studies (LMS) intending to help my father in his business. This includes going out to learn new things, improving my social, management & finance skills.

Throughout my academic journey, I engaged with various organizations in different capacities. Either by volunteering and doing part-time and full-time jobs while continuing my studies at NDU, Islamabad.

I recently graduated from a graduate from the National Defence University of Pakistan.

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